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MIssion Statement

The PHO mission is to improve health outcomes by developing, maintaining, improving, and encouraging the application of the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System in research and clinical practice.

Primary Goals

The PHO will foster and support a community of researchers, collect PRO data for research and improvements to PROMIS®, support the addition of new domains and items to the system, test the system for new populations, and maintain scientific integrity by demonstrating reliability, validity and responsiveness.

Long Term Aspirations

  1. Developing PROMIS into a gold-standard outcome metric
  2. Achieving widespread adoption domestically and internationally
  3. Becoming part of routine clinical practice across multiple specialties
  4. ​Maintaining consistent growth to support continual improvements
  5. Remaining open, accessible, and low-cost to users
  6. Fostering a vibrant PROMIS community.