The PROMIS Training Workshop
Optimizing the Use and Reach of PROMIS Tools
Speaker Biographical Information
Sara Ahmed, PT, PhD, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Susan Bartlett, PhD, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Judy Baumhauer, MD, MPH, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
Clifton Bingham, III, MD, Johns Hopkins Medicine, Baltimore, MD
Richard Gershon, PhD, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
Janel Hanmer, MD, PhD, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Dinesh Khanna, MD, MSc, Michigan Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI
Michelle Langer, PhD, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
Carole Tucker, PT, PhD, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX
Hedy van Oers, PhD, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Ashley Wilder-Smith. PhD, MPH, US National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
Betina Yanez, PhD, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
Watch for dates for the 2023 PROMIS Training Workshop
The PROMIS 2022 Training Workshop offers an intensive learning experience on PROMIS and how it is being used in clinical practice and research. Get insight from experts to help you advance your skills in patient-reported outcomes.
Who should attend?
This workshop has been specially designed for clinicians, researchers and trainees, pharmaceutical industry partners, healthcare administrators, policy makers, and IT professionals.
The sessions offer valuable training for both new and more experienced clinicians and researchers. The workshop has something for everyone interested in patient-reported outcomes -- from those looking for an in-depth understanding of the advantages of PROMIS and those who are seeking ways to expand use of PROMIS in clinical care and research.
What attendees have said:
"Excellent examples of clinical innovations within clinical contexts and generalizable principles."
"Wonderful way to hear experiences from leaders in the field and profit from lessons learned."
"Expert speakers presenting on innovative and boundary-pushing topics."
Program Chairs
Susan Bartlett, PhD
Professor of Medicine
McGill University
Co-Director McGill Center for Health Measurement
Montreal Canada
Sara Ahmed, PT, PhD
School of Physical and Occupational Therapy
McGill University
Co-Director McGill Centre for Health Measurement
Montreal Canada
Day 1 - Thursday, May 12, 9 am - 1 pm CDT
Introductory Track - Getting Started with PROMIS
What to Expect:
- Review of the state-of-the-science methods: Item Response Theory (IRT) and Computerized Adaptive Testing (CATs)
- Introduction to the 4800+ NIH PROMIS family of measures
- What to measure, how to measure, what do the scores mean
- Infrastructure and software needs and options
- Measure once, use results for multiple purposes
- Getting institution and colleague buy-in
Day 1 - Thursday, May 12, 9 am - 1 pm CDT
Advanced Track - Applying PROMIS in Patient Care
What to Expect:
- Integrating PROMIS into busy clinics and using results in real time
- Planning - where to start and how to grow
- Real world examples from North America and Europe
- Working with first adopters, champions, patient partners
- Applying best practices in implementation
- Optimizing display, documentation and decision-making with PROMIS
Day 2 - Friday, May 13, 9 am - 1 pm CDT
Combined Session - Sustainability and Scale Up of PROMIS Across Health Settings
What to Expect:
- Enhanced decision-making
- Extending use of results across stakeholders
- Improved care quality and value
- Governance and ethical considerations